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The Mission of the Board is to facilitate the continuous improvement of the quality of life for Newton County citizens with developmental disabilities and their families.  The Board promotes a consumer and family-centered comprehensive system for individuals with developmental disabilities.  Through an array of services, the board and agencies funded by the Board strive to help those individuals achieve independence, productivity, integration, and inclusion into the community.

Our Mission

Our Vision

  • ...will advocate for a wide range of services and funding to meet the the needs of persons with developmental disabilities                                          

  • ...will promote a culture of inclusion and individualized supports.

  • ...will support individuals with developmental disabilities through cutting-edge programs and empowered staff and providers.

  • ...will provide the highest quality of supports and services by listening to the people it supports and the people who know them best.

  • ...will support people to be active, full members within their communities.

  • ...will be a Missouri leader in developing, supporting and furthering a community free of attitudinal and physical barriers and where persons with developmental disabilities participate in the full, rich life of their community without fear and prejudice.

  • ...will conduct itself with integrity, propriety and honesty in carrying out the mission, values and responsibilities.

  • ...will seek to ensure the health, safety, and quality of life for the persons we support through proactive oversight of the programs we fund.

  • ...will, ...whenever possible, leverage our resources to enhance funding and forge local, state and federal partnerships to expand available funding and services for individuals with developmental disabilities.

Newton County Developmental Disabilities Services Board

The Board, created in 2015 is a political subdivision and it is the Board's responsibility to monitor and guide the expenditure of county funds to ensure that Newton County citizens with developmental disabilities are being well served.


Phone: 417-451-5075

Established: 2015

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